Child Abuse Prevention Resources

The YMCA partners with numerous organizations to bring child abuse awareness and prevention to our communities.

At the Westport Weston Family YMCA, we stand committed to providing a safe environment for everyone who enters our doors or participates in our programs, most importantly the safety and well-being of children entrusted to our care.

Through training sessions, community resources, and workshops, the Y educates adults on how to recognize, prevent, and react responsibly to the reality of child sexual abuse, emphasizing child safety and prevention is every adult’s responsibility. Our work is guided by the vision of a world free from child sexual abuse, where children can grow up happy, healthy, and safe.

We encourage parents to have conversations with their children teaching them about body safety and establishing healthy boundaries. Recognizing warning signs and concerns are important first steps in child abuse prevention.

Learn more about the Y’s child abuse prevention resources and trainings including information how abuse occurs, warning signs to be aware of, how to talk to your children about it, and how to respond.