Commitment in Maintaining Ongoing Awareness of Abuse Risk and Prevention Amongst Members

The WWFY recognizes members can contribute to their own safety if they know what is acceptable and what to expect from employees and volunteers and other members.

The WWFY recognizes members can contribute to their own safety if they know what is acceptable and what to expect from employees and volunteers and other members. The WWFY uses a variety of methods for maintaining ongoing awareness of abuse risk and prevention amongst members such as:
  • WWFY will publish quarterly information on abuse risk and prevention in the weekly email newsletter.
  • Each year, the WWFY participates in the “Five Days of Action” which brings awareness to Child Abuse Prevention.
  • Activities/Policies are published online for members to view.
  • Annual updates to Member Handbook with education provided to members.
  • List available resources/hotlines on abuse prevention; Provide reporting mechanism for members to report abuse.