Crisis Management Plan for Incidents of Abuse

How to respond to occurrences which may harm a minor, threaten the reputation or financial integrity of the organization or which may create a situation of legal liability to the organization or its directors, officers, or employees.

The Westport Weston Family YMCA’s goal is to have a specific, detailed plan to respond to various occurrences which may harm a minor, threaten the reputation or financial integrity of the organization or which may create a situation of legal liability to the organization or its directors, officers, or employees. Allegations or incidents of suspected abuse including minor to minor abuse or arrest of employees or volunteers are some examples of such occurrences. Every serious allegation or incident will not necessarily involve minors or abuse, therefore, every step in the Crisis Management Plan procedure may not apply to the investigation or resolution of an incident.   

The purpose of this policy is to be always prepared for potential crisis, not just when an incident occurs. To be proactive, transparent, accurate, consistent, and unified in the messages presented internally and externally and maintain strong relationships with various stakeholders.  

This policy applies to all Westport Weston Family YMCA employees designated to respond to incidents or allegations of abuse or other crisis events. 

The Chief Operations Officer “COO” will be responsible for managing and overseeing the response plan’s implementation. In the event the COO is not available, the Human Resources Director will be responsible for managing and overseeing the plan’s implementation.  

Types of events which may trigger a crisis management response include, but are not limited to the following: 

  • Abuse of any kind toward or by a minor 
  • Abuse of any kind toward or by an employee, volunteer, member 
  • Weather related incident affecting operations 
  • Other significant incident affecting operations (fire, flood, building damage, etc.) 

Procedures – Prior to Allegation or Incident:

  • All employees and volunteers should be trained in how to complete the appropriate incident forms and how to report incidents to a supervisor.  
  • All employees and volunteers should know how to fulfill their duties as mandated reporters and know the mandated reporter procedure if warranted.  
  • A ‘Crisis Management Team’ (CMT) will be named and designated to respond to incidents and correspond with those involved to the degree necessary and appropriate.  

Procedures – After Allegation or Incident

  • To the extent possible, ensure all parties involved are safe and secure from additional harm or abuse. 
  • Ensure the area of incident is safe and secure from additional incidents occurring.  
  • Follow all mandated reporting requirements and contact authorities if incident warrants.  
  • If an accused person is an employee, follow discipline procedures accordingly.  
  • If an incident involves sexual abuse, the organization will immediately report to civil authorities and conduct an internal review or investigation only after the civil authorities’ consent.  
  • If authorities investigate, the organization will cooperate fully and will not take steps to interfere with investigations.  
  • If civil authorities do not proceed with an investigation or if they consent to the organization conducting a simultaneous internal review, designated employees are instructed to thank the individual for reporting and inform them the organization will follow up with additional information and support as soon as possible (5-10 days). 
  • Document all details of the incident; identify:
    • Who, what when, where of all persons and places involved 
    • Review the initial allegation or incident report. Review any additional documentation or materials: 
    • Reports/documentation from others 
    • Personnel files/disciplinary records/training records 
    • Video footage 
    • Interview key individuals 
    • Accused/supervisors/witnesses 
    • Review policies and training curriculum 
    • Refer to Response to Abuse, Red Flag Behaviors, Inappropriate Behaviors or Sexual Activity Involving Minors Policy for specific details on compiling data for and filing this report. 
  • Refer to Victim Centered Abuse Response policy for more specific details on assistance and follow up on abuse incidents.   
  • The following will be notified when a critical incident occurs, and the crisis management plan has been activated: 
    • CEO, COO, all Directors and leadership staff  
    • Board of Directors 
    • Reporting and licensing authorities (if applicable) 
    • Parents/guardians (if applicable 
    • Insurance providers (if applicable) 
  • A point person from the CMT will be designated to respond to all inquiries from parents, guardian, media, and other stakeholders.  
    • A short media statement will be prepared by the CEO and CMO in advance of speaking with media or in anticipation of receiving a media or public inquiry.  
    • All oral and written statements will speak with a voice of compassion and confidence.  
    • All messages should communicate: 
      • Empathy  
      • Facts 
      • Contact Request 
      • Organization Response to Incident 
    • All employees will be instructed to refer the media or other inquiries to the CEO   
  • If an incident involves minors, communication to parents or guardians of other minors attending the same or similar programs may be warranted. The communication should include all the points mentioned above.  
  • Depending upon the severity of the incident, a parent/member/community meeting may be held to discuss concerns and action taken regarding the incident.  
    • Communicate as much information as possible about the incident.
    • Provide information regarding proactive steps leadership has taken or will take in response to the incident.
    • Describe resources the organization is provident and give opportunities to ask questions.  
  • The CMT will determine how to manage ongoing relations with authorities, parents/guardians, community, and media relations.  
    • Adding a designated page or statement to the organization website may be considered in order to provide updated details about the incident. 

Additional Information:
This plan will be updated and reviewed annually.