Gift Giving

The WWFY prohibits employees and volunteers from giving gifts to individual members.

The WWFY prohibits employees and volunteers from giving gifts to individual members. Childcare staff may gift their group of children with appropriate and low-value items/toys if approved by the Program Directors. 

Gift Acceptance 

Sometimes it may be difficult to refuse gifts from members or their families. In many cultures, people give gifts to reflect their appreciation for people or services. To be respectful of members and their families, the organization makes reasonable allowances for acts of gratitude involving small gifts of appreciation from members and/or their families that have a monetary value not exceeding $50.00. Employees and volunteers must disclose all such gifts to their immediate supervisor and/or a designated administrator. Under no circumstances can cash money be accepted from consumers or their families as a gift. This gift acceptance policy should be included within materials given to parents/guardians and members; however, if a parent or member approaches an employee or volunteer with a gift that exceeds $50.00, the employee or volunteer should politely decline the gift and refer to this policy. The employee or volunteer can also encourage the parent or member to speak with an immediate supervisor and/or a designated administrator if they have any questions.  

Employee Gift Recognition 

WWFY Employees must self-report when receiving gifts from members. Please fill out all information to the best of your ability and return it to your direct supervisor. 

Employee Name: ___________________________    Date: __________________ 

Program Name: ___________________________________________________     

Gift Received From: ________________________________________________ 

Gift details (type, amount, etc.): ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

Employee Signature: _______________________    Date: __________________ 

Supervisor Signature: ______________________     Date: __________________