Procedure for Internally Reviewing Allegations and Incidents of Sexual Abuse, Red-Flag or Inappropriate Behaviors and Policy Violations

The following process addresses the procedure for internally reviewing allegations and incidents of sexual abuse, red-flag or inappropriate behaviors in a consistent and fair manner.

WWFY takes all allegations and Incidents of sexual abuse very seriously. To ensure all incidents and allegations are addressed in a consistent and fair manner, the following process addresses the procedure for internally reviewing allegations and incidents of sexual abuse, red-flag or inappropriate behaviors and policy violations.  


Any employee or volunteer who (i) was a witness to, (ii) were made aware of, or (iii) received a complaint from a member, employee, or volunteer, must immediately report this to a Director, Human Resources, Chief Operation Officer or another member of management.  

The Program Director must obtain a written statement from the employee or volunteer receiving the complaint and provide this to Human Resources (“HR”).  

HR, in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”), will determine if the authorities need to be called. If the decision is made to contact the authorities, the WWFY will defer to the authorities to determine the next course of action. If the authorities determine that the WWFY can/should conduct an internal investigation, HR will conduct the investigation. The investigation will include: 

  • Gathering all information and data surrounding the allegation or incident. 
  • Interview the accuser and all relevant witnesses. 
  • Review policies and procedures. 
  • Review all documentation (i.e. witness statements, training records). 

Following the investigation, HR will prepare a report for the CEO of their findings along with a recommendation on any corrective action(s). The CEO will review and determine final actions to be taken.  

In addition to these steps, as a Mandated Reporter, for any suspected cases of abuse, HR will notify DCF by contacting them at 800-842-2288.