1. Resource Center
  2. Monitoring & Supervision

Procedure for Monitoring and Supervising Youth Sports Programs

To ensure safety and quality are being held up in the various youth sports programs.

The WWFY takes the safety in various youth sports programs very seriously. To ensure safety and quality are being held up in the various youth sports programs, the WWFY will monitor the practices in these routinely monitor these programs to ensure all policies and procedures are being followed. The monitoring will include: 

  1. Keeping a documented record of what was observed using a monitoring checklist. The checklist will include: 
  2. Surveying the physical environment. 
  3. Watching to see if employees are actively involved. 
  4. Observing employees with youth. 
  5. Observing employees with each other. 
  6. Observing employees interact with parents. 
  7. Asking youths and parents questions about their experience.  
  8. Observation of bathroom and locker room activities to ensure compliance with policies and procedures.   

For any deficiencies identified, supervisors will give the employee a written corrective action plan that will include the reason for the deficiency and a corrective action plan to correct the issue.  

Supervisors should conduct monthly monitoring and supervision.

Monitoring Youth Sports Programs and Off-Site Programs Checklist

Observe employee interactions with youth:

  1. Do employees use the proper voice tone with youth?  
  2. Do employees give praise to youth?  
  3. Do employees sound enthusiastic?  
  4. Do employees interact with all the youth?  
  5. Are employees paying attention to the children? 
  6. Are employees listening to the children when they make a complaint? 
  7. Do employees exhibit inappropriate power dynamics with certain youth?  

Observe employee interactions with each other:

  1. Are employees interacting with each other distracting them from supervising children? 
  2. Are employees spread out and monitoring the entire area?  
  3. Do employees know who is supervising which youth?  
  4. Do employees communicate with each other when one must leave the area?  
  5. Do employees share responsibilities around the program?  

Comments: ________________________________________________________ 






Supervisor Name: ________________________________

Supervisor Signature: _____________________________ 

Program Observed: _______________________________ 

Date of Observation: ______________________________