Reporting of Red-Flag or Inappropriate Behaviors and/or Policy Violations

If employees or volunteers observe red-flag or inappropriate behaviors and/or policy violations by other employees or volunteers, it is their professional and personal responsibility to immediately report their observations.

WWFY has zero tolerance for abuse. It is imperative that every employee or volunteer actively participates in the protection of members. If employees or volunteers observe red-flag or inappropriate behaviors and/or policy violations by other employees or volunteers, it is their professional and personal responsibility to immediately report their observations in accordance with the organization’s reporting procedures.  

At WWFY, the policies apply to everyone. The following are examples of red-flag or inappropriate behaviors that all employees and volunteers are required to report:  

  • Any violation of the organization’s abuse prevention policies  
  • Seeking unauthorized private time or one-on-one time with members  
  • Buying gifts for individual members 
  • Sending unauthorized electronic communications through text messaging, social media, online gaming, etc. in violation of the WWFY’s electronic communication policy 
  • Making suggestive comments to members 
  • Showing favoritism towards a member 
  • Members disclosing that an employee or volunteer makes them feel uncomfortable. 

All reports of suspicious or inappropriate behavior with members will be taken seriously. Our procedures will be carefully followed to ensure that the rights of all those involved are protected. If employees or volunteers witness suspicious or inappropriate behaviors or policy violations from another employee or volunteer, the individual is instructed to do the following: 

  • Interrupt the behavior. 
  • Report the behavior to a Director, Human Resources, Chief Operation Officer, or another member of management.  
  • If you are not comfortable making the report directly, write it anonymously.  
  • If the report is about a supervisor or administrator, contact the next level of management. 
  • Complete an incident report but do not investigate. 
  • Keep reporting until the appropriate action is taken. 

Once the matter has been reported, the Human Resources Director, with the CEO, will determine the matter in which the report will be investigated.