1. Resource Center
  2. Monitoring & Supervision

Supervising and Monitoring Bathrooms, Locker Rooms and Changing Areas

Bathrooms, locker rooms and changing areas require close monitoring as they are high risk locations.

Bathrooms, locker rooms and changing areas are high risk locations for sexual activity between members, and adult offenders who can use the privacy afforded in these areas to abuse another member or child. Consequently, bathrooms, locker rooms and changing areas require close monitoring and must be managed carefully. These areas present greater risk because members may be nude or partially nude and members may engage in inappropriate activity.   


Bathroom Procedures  

  • When supervising bathroom use, employees and volunteers should first scan the bathroom before allowing members (children) to enter to ensure the bathroom is vacant.   
  • Employees and volunteers to take groups of two or more children to the bathroom following the “rule of three”.   
  • If the bathroom only has one stall, only one child should enter the bathroom while the others wait outside with the employee or volunteer.  
  • If there are multiple stalls, only send in as many children as there are stalls for use.   
  • Minimize children of different ages using the bathroom at the same time.   
  • Employees are required to stand outside the bathroom in earshot.   


Shower Time Procedures  

  • Only one child can be at a stall at a given time.  
  • If there are multiple stalls, only send in as many children as there are stalls.   
  • Ensure shower curtains do not extend to the floor so employees can glance at how many feet are in the shower stall.  
  • Employees and volunteers are required to stand outside the shower area but within earshot.   
  • When necessary to assist children, employees and volunteers should keep the door to the stall open.   
  • Children who require assistance with personal care activities must have this noted on their member file with the level of assistance included.   


Locker Room and Changing Area Procedures  

  • Employees and volunteers are required to remain within earshot of the locker room when in use by members.   
  • Employees must periodically check inside the locker room so members know it is being monitored.   
  • If any inappropriate behavior is observed or heard, employees must notify a supervisor or the manager on duty.   
  • Employees should discourage the use of locker rooms by members of different ages at the same time.