Training on Effective Monitoring & Supervision Practices for Managing Consumers and High-Risk Activities

WWFY has a high focus on effective monitoring and supervision practices as many incidents of abuse in organizations can be linked to lapses in monitoring of program activities and environments or inadequate supervision of members.

WWFY has a high focus on effective monitoring and supervision practices as many incidents of abuse in organizations can be linked to lapses in monitoring of program activities and environments or inadequate supervision of members. WWFY provides employees and volunteers with training in effective monitoring and supervision practices for managing members and high-risk activities. All training must be documented, and records kept for each employee and volunteer. Those who fail to meet training requirements must be subject to the organization's progressive discipline policy.  

Training for employees and volunteers should include an overview of their role in abuse prevention as well as monitoring and supervision strategies that can reduce risk of abuse: 

  1. Certain activities and environments create a higher risk for adult-to-member and member-to-member abuse. These include:  
    1. Bathrooms and locker rooms 
    2. Personal care assistance  
    3. Playgrounds and recreation areas 
    4. Electronic communication 
    5. Off-site activities 
    6. One-on-one interactions 
    7. Nap time and overnight activities  
    8. Transportation 
    9. Transition and free times 
    10. Mixed age groups  
    11. Members supervising members 
    12. Isolated or unmonitored areas like stairwells and classrooms 
  2. Strategies to lower risk of abuse or false allegations of abuse should focus on mitigating access, privacy, and control with members and include: 
    1. Best practice policies and procedures for managing high risk programs or activities, including increased supervision. Maintain structured activities, appropriate ratios, line of sight supervision, and utilizing the “rule of three.” 
    2. Employees and volunteers should understand the relationship between policies governing interactions with members, including those for appropriate physical and verbal interactions. 
    3. Employee and volunteer behavior set the tone for appropriate member behavior. 
    4. Understanding red flag behaviors in adults. 
    5. Understanding characteristics of members at high risk to offend and/or be victimized. 
    6. Zero tolerance for sexual activity between consumers. 
    7. Consistent documentation and reporting of any policy violations, concerns of abuse, or sexual activity between members. 

Training Requirements:
All employees and High Access Volunteers who work in a department or program (i.e. Camp, School Age, Child Watch) that has direct responsibility for supervising children will be required to annually complete the Foundations: Preventing Abuse in Youth Serving Organizations offered by Praesidium.  

For any supervisors who have oversight of childcare programs, in addition to completing the Foundations: Preventing Abuse in Youth Serving Organizations, they will also be required to complete annually Abuse Risk Management for Supervisors: Supervising for Safety through Praesidium. The training provided will cover how to respond to allegations of abuse and effective supervision practices related to abuse risk management.