1. Resource Center
  2. Internal Feedback Systems

Grievance Policy for Staff and Volunteers

To remedy concerns from staff and volunteers that appear to have been ignored or unresolved after initial reporting.

WWFY believes employees and volunteers have valuable thoughts and insights to share regarding the workplace and our operations. Accordingly, the WWFY encourages employees to share opinions, suggestions, concerns, questions and/or grievances about our policies, personnel issues, and/or other workplace matters and the organization.  

In general, the best person initially to bring opinions, suggestions, concerns, and/or questions to is the employee’s direct supervisor. However, to the extent the concerns relate to his/her direct supervisor, or to the extent an employee believes his/her direct supervisor did not fully address a matter, employees may direct their opinions, suggestions, concerns, and/or questions to the next level of management or directly to the Human Resources Director.  

To remedy concerns that appear to have been ignored or unresolved after initial reporting, utilize this formal grievance procedure. This procedure provides for a timely, thorough and objective investigation of the following concerns:  

  1. Wages, hours, and/or conditions of employment. 
  2. Harassment or discrimination.  
  3. Other violations of law or policy. 
  4. Retaliation.  
  5. Whistleblower complaints. 

Written Complaint Required

Verbal complaints are encouraged, particularly for issues that may be easily and expeditiously resolved, but a written complaint is required to initiate this grievance process. To ensure a timely and effective response, complaints should include the following information to the extent possible:  

  1. The name(s) of employee(s) involved.  
  2. The date(s) the behavior occurred. 
  3. The name(s) of any known witness(es).  
  4. A summary of the conduct meriting the grievance including:  
  5. The behavior complained of and/or the alleged policy or legal violation(s). 
  6. Direct quotes when relevant and available; and  
  7. Any relevant documentation. 
  8. The remedy sought by the employee making the complaint. 


Employees or volunteers who themselves have a complaint or who are aware of behavior meriting a complaint, must provide the above-described written complaint via email to the Human Resources Director within 3-5 business days. The Human Resources Director will meet with the employee or volunteer to hear their concern and attempt to resolve the complaint within 3-5 business days after receiving the written complaint. Following that meeting, the Human Resources Director will provide a brief written response to the employee who brought the complaint no later than 3-5 business days.  If the employee or volunteer is not satisfied with the written response, the individual who brought the complaint may submit an appeal to the Chief Executive Officer (“CEO”) no later than 3-5 business days following the receipt of the written response.   

The CEO will meet with the employee or volunteer to hear their concern and attempt to resolve the complaint within 3-5 business days. Following that meeting, the CEO will provide a written response to the employee or volunteer who brought the complaint no later than 3-5 business days that includes brief written findings on the issues raised and relief sought. The CEO is the final arbiter of grievance matters at this organization.  


The Human Resources Director and/or the CEO will thoroughly investigate the issues raised in the grievance and will protect the privacy and confidentiality of all parties involved to the extent possible by law. All parties must cooperate with the investigation. If the WWFY determines a violation of policy or law has occurred, the WWFY will take appropriate action, up to and including termination and notification of external authorities. 


The WWFY strictly prohibits retaliation against employees or volunteers for reporting, filing, testifying, assisting, or participating in any manner in any investigation, proceeding or hearing conducted by the organization or a federal or state law enforcement agency or court. Members and/or parents/guardians should report any suspected retaliation to the Human Resources Director. Any report of retaliatory conduct will be objectively, timely and thoroughly investigated. If a retaliation report is found valid, the WWFY will take appropriate remedial action, including discharging the individual(s) responsible. The WWFY will not retaliate against any member or parent/guardian for raising a complaint and will not knowingly permit retaliation by management or other employees. 

Publication and Communication to Employee and Volunteers

This Grievance Policy will be included in the Employee Handbook. Any changes to this policy will be communicated in writing to employees and volunteers via email on file.